Troglodytes troglodytes tianschanicus: NE Iran and s Transcaspia to n Afghanistan and Turkestan.Troglodytes troglodytes juniperi: NW Libya.Troglodytes troglodytes : Crimean Peninsula to Caucasus Mts., n Iraq and Iran.Troglodytes troglodytes cypriotes: Crete, Rhodes, Cyprus and Near East.Troglodytes troglodytes koenigi: Corsica and Sardinia.Troglodytes troglodytes kabylorum: Balearic Islands, s Spain and nw Africa (Morocco to Tunisia).Troglodytes troglodytes troglodytes: Continental Europe and Asia Minor.Subspecies that live in hot and desert areas tend to be paler than those that live in wet and cool regions. islandicus (Iceland) are darker and have longer bills and legs. Kilda Wren is greyer above, whiter beneath, and with more abundant bars on the back the Shetland Wren is darker. hirtensis, is confined to the island of St Kilda, and another, T. indigenus, there are two distinct insular forms one, T. In the British Isles, in addition to the typical bird, T.

The Eurasian Wren has several subspecies - currently, 28 are recognized.
#Eurasian wren full#
This species was once lumped with the Winter Wren ( Troglodytes hiemalis), found in North America, which was considered a subspecies of the Eurasian Wren but is now treated as a full species. The call is a harsh "zrrrt", while the song is a rapid series of loud, metallic, trilling sounds.

In fact, its voice is among the most powerful of all European birds'. The bill is pointed, thin, and relatively long, pale orange with a dark grey top, and the legs are pinkish.ĭespite its small size, the Wren has a surprisingly lound song. The eye is dark brown, and above it, there is a quite thick pale supercilium. The plumage is a warm brown, darker on the upperparts, with some faint speckles. short wings, and a very short tail often held raised vertically. It measures 9-10.5 cm in length, weighs about 9 g, and has a 14-17 cm wingspan. A very tiny and compact animal, the Eurasian Wren is, after the Goldcrest and the Firecrest, the smallest European bird.