With the monitors raised, this will free up real estate on the desktop to build a proper rack for the midi-controller. I’m making my own version of Grovemade’s monitor stands, which will be finished soon: I live in Vietnam and it’s cheap to get things made here. I plan on having a system to contain all that cable garbage. We are setting up a new office in November and will build out everything custom from the desks to the interior. This is far from an ergonomically sound setup, but it’s getting there. I am not willing to give up that touch aspect of my workflow. I have no pain in my right hand, and am completely addicted to Apple’s Magic Mouse. It's sturdy, it's beautiful, the key arrangements (specifically command and control keys) are spot on. The specific one I have is the Microsoft Sculpt Desktop. You all may be surprised, but in my personal opinion, Microsoft makes one of the absolute best ergonomic keyboards out there. I DJ for fun and fool around in Ableton, and a friend turned me onto the Novation Launchpad, midi-controller. I wouldn't want to stare at that mess or use it on my desktop. I've seen those snap together Palete controllers and to be honest, they look cheap and junky. I know about a stylus and tablet and find the range of motion and flow clumsy. I know about programmable gamer keypads, special gamer keyboards, fancy mice with programmable buttons. Specifically my left hand, which is contorting to perform these shortcuts on Apple's vain, bauhaus keyboard. In particular, there is a heavy reliance on the command key, which is a dinky key that is in a bad place. Contorting in a myriad of positions to execute shortcut commands. The left hand is on the keyboard, and is the function system.

Zooming in, zooming out, selecting and panning between artboards. The right hand is on the mouse, and is the navigation system. The current inputs (keyboard + mouse/ trackpad) for the design workflow are primitive.
Installing this program on your computer is not necessary since it's a portable app (as its name indicates) and simply unpacking its archive and launching the executable lets you use its functions entirely.We all must be coming to the same conclusion.

For instance, you can make recording easier by replacing some of the standard keyboard commands with note keys, but also launch various programs or even control the mouse. There are many ways to benefit from MIDI Hotkey Portable's capabilities. The application can also configure the sustain pedal of the devices, the play and stop or record buttons, giving you a wider spectrum of possibilities in this scenario, by not limiting you to using only the note keys of your MIDI controller or whatever device you might be using as your keyboard substitute. This is especially useful for those of you who compose music, master tracks or work in the sound engineering field, since you probably work with a lot of MIDI hardware and would prefer not having to use another type of device for typing or controlling your computer.
MIDI Hotkey Portable is a handy and reliable software solution that was designed to enable you to control your computer using a MIDI device like a USB keyboard (the musical type, not the typing type) or a MIDI controller.